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====== The main components of regain ====== The basic job done by regain is: The **crawler** searches for documents, extracts their text and stores it in a **search index**. Using this index, the **search mask** can answer search queries from users in nearly no time. For writing and using the search index, regain is using a library called **Lucene**. The most important components of regain are: * [[:components:crawler]] - It searches for documents and extracts their text using the [[:components:preparator]]. * [[:components:search index]] - The search index is bunch of files which are used by Lucene for answering search queries. * [[:components:search mask]] - The search mask shows a web user interface to the user where he can enter search queries and browse through the results. The web pages are rendered using the [[:components:search mask jsp pages]].

components.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/18 08:30 (external edit)