====== regain configuration ====== There are several files where you can change the behavior or the look of regain. [[:components:Crawler]] configuration: * The ''log4j.properties'' contains all settings for the logging. You can define the granularity, the format and the location of your log files. See the [[http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j/docs/manual.html|log4j documentation]] for details. * The [[:config:CrawlerConfiguration.xml]] contains all settings for the [[:components:crawler]]. [[:components:Search mask]] configuration: * The ''web.xml'' defines where the main search configuration file ''SearchConfiguration.xml'' is located. By default the config is searched in ''../conf/regain/SearchConfiguration.xml''. That is if your tomcat directory is ''c:\Programme\jakarta-tomcat'' you have to put your ''SearchConfiguration.xml'' to ''c:\Programme\jakarta-tomcat\conf\regain''. If you want to use another config location, you have to edit your ''web.xml'' and change the ''searchConfigFile'' init parameter.\\ See [[:config:howto_find_error_cause|How to find the error cause]] if you keep getting error messages. * The [[:config:SearchConfiguration.xml]] contains the actual configuration for the [[:components:search mask]]. * To configure logging (and avoiding an error message at startup) configure a ''log4j.properties'' file in ''webapps/regain''.