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====== Regain manual ====== regain is a search engine similar to web search engines like [[http://google.com/|Google]]. Using regain you can search through large portions of data (several gigabytes!) in split seconds! This is possible by using a [[components:search index]]. regain crawles through your files or webpages, extracts all text and puts it in a smart search index. All this happens in the background. So if you want to search something you get the results immediately. There are two variants of regain: The desktop search and the server search. The **desktop search** is to be used on a normal desktop computer and it offers you a fast search for documents or intranet webpages. The **server search** you can install on web servers. It provides searching functionality for a website or for intranet fileservers. To learn more about the differernces of these two variants read the [[project info:variant comparison|Comparison of the regain variants]]. ===== Features ===== * [[Features]] - The features of regain. ===== regain desktop search ===== * [[installation:desktop|Desktop installation]] - How to install the regain desktop search. ===== regain server search ===== * [[installation:server|Server installation]] - How to install the regain server search. * [[config|Server configuration]] - How to configure the regain server search. ===== What to do on errors? ===== * [[config:howto_find_error_cause|How to find the error cause]] - Tells you, how you can find the cause of an error. ===== For developers ===== * [[project info:Sourcecode]] - How to download the source code. * [[project info:Used libraries]] - A list of projects used by regain. ===== Links ===== * [[http://regain.sf.net/|regain Website]]